Sunday, February 13, 2011

stoichiometry and marcus mumford.

I have a test in Stoichiometry tomorrow. I'm pretty confident that I know most of the stuff, but I still have a lot of work to do until I'm 100% ready. There is some instinsic beauty in a science like stoich, because there is always a perfectly correct answer. You just need to know the process. Which, of course, is the hardest part.

There will come a time/ you'll see, with no more tears/And love will not break your heart/and dismiss your fears/Get over your hill and see/ what you find there/ With grace in your heart/and flowers in your hair.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

eminem is brilliant.

even if you don't like eminem, you have to admit that he is an absolute genius with words. take "lose yourself" for example. the rhyme schemes in that song are ridiculous. not only do they have the last-word rhymes, but they have so many intricate inside rhymes in every single line. craziness. seriously, listen to that song from start to finish, and try to tell me that he doesn't know EXACTLY what he is doing, and does it with absolute precision and mastery.

talent is a strange thing.

i've always really respected people who know what they want, are talented in that area, and work to acheive it. i think that is a pretty rare commodity; that talents and passions align.

Monday, November 22, 2010


bellingham was recently covered in a light layer of fluffy, harmless, happy-looking snow.
bellingham was pelted with frigid and relentless snow that turned into one giant, very unfriendly sheet of ice.
walking across campus is what i imagine walking the plank was like. you know that your death is approaching, but that blindfold keeps you from knowing exactly when. i see the ice. i feel the ice. i know that more of my body than I want is soon going to feel the ice when i careen out of control, off of my feet, and onto that menacing layer of frozen death.

ah, to be back in fall, when the streets weren't laden with ice, but leaves.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

drowned in sound.

johnny is coming to seattle. i would be so excited if i wasn't so depressed about it. he's coming to the high dive, which happens to be a 21+ venue. why why why why why?!?!
there are only a few people in life that i would pay copious amounts of money to see live. those would be: rob thomas and johnny flynn. end of story.
tickets for johnny flynn are only 12 dollars. you can't beat that. however, it wouldn't matter if i paid 1200 dollars because i have yet to reach the magical age of 21 where everything is fair game and i am considered adult enough to enter bars to hear my favorite musicians play music.
this is so infuriating to me. i don't drink. i never have. i'm not interested in getting wasted in your bar. i just want to hear one of my favorite musicians play music in a town that he rarely comes to. fucking hell. .
asdlfkjaslgjlkajssdgkljlksaflsadsfd. i guess i'll catch you next time johnny.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


4 days til NaNoWriMo.

I have never attempted anything like this before, but I am so, so, so excited by the challenge.
The challenge is to write a novel in a month. 50,000 words in 30 days.
This is an annual event that I hadn't heard of until a few days ago, but I am SO in.

sign up. it will be awesome.

p.s. if you actually make the 50,000 words and submit it, they will publish one copy of your book for free! you will be a real author! sweeeeet. do it.

(if you decide to do it, or even if you don't, you can "friend" me, or just follow my word count if you are interested! my username is "hmppalindromic" )

Sunday, October 24, 2010

the streets of bc.

The streets have a different beat in Vancouver. Not slower, not faster. More melodic, perhaps. More alive.


Amy and I decided to leave the country for a while.
The border patrol really aren't the friendliest.
"Have you ever been paid to transport drugs over the border? Have you ever been caught with narcotics in your vehicle? I'm not talking personal amounts, I'm talking kilos, pounds."
$18.75 for parking. After an hour of driving around for cheaper parking, we paid $18.75.
We were near the place that would come to haunt me.
Right next to the Vogue Theatre. The venue where Mumford & Sons would put on a badass show only a few hours later. The show that I tried to get tickets for. The show I couldn't get tickets for.
The streets have a different beat in Vancouver. Not slower, not faster. More melodic, perhaps. More alive.
We tried Blenz coffee. The Canadian coffee chain. I got an Americano. Ironic, I know.
Tasted like hot water with a few tablespoons of drip coffee. Not impressed.
The amount of street performers are pretty staggering.
Irish Pubs abound.
Everyone is very fashionable- especially the men.
We couldn't get a table for dinner because the UFC fight was being shown in every bar and in every restaurant in town.
Those Canadians love to watch people get beaten up. With fists or hockey sticks alike.
The streets have a different beat in Vancouver. Not slower, not faster. More melodic, perhaps. More alive.
"Did you do any shopping while you were in Vancouver? No?"
"Welcome home"

Friday, October 22, 2010

turning left

walking down the front porch steps and into the alley, i felt like the world was open to me. my first step would lead me to where i wanted to go, and i could go anywhere. the sun was deceiving; it was bitingly cold. if i turned right, i could walk straight into a world of mind-numbing familiarity: campus, library, the mundane trappings of the absolutely ordinary. turning left wouldn't magically lead me into a world unexplored, but it would lead me into a world less familiar. that is what i wanted. that is all i ever want. out of the ordinary. something that will surprise me, interest me, distract me from the patterned life that i have created for myself. encounters are what i long for. running into friendly strangers that i can talk to for hours. walking into a cafe as myself and walking out as a character from an indie comedy. stumbling upon something great - a new band, an artist, a picnic in the park. something to throw a wrench in the routine that has become a burden; a stumbling block. however, by turning left i don't find the quirky encounters that i so dream of. i come home a few bucks poorer and the same person i was when i left.