Sunday, April 26, 2009

and found.

LOST is completely, 100% contrived. these shenanigans would just never happen in real life. polar bears? magic kids? others? world-saving buttons? being lucky enough to be stranded with matthew fox? no way. but that's okay, because i'm completely addicted. 26 episodes in 4 days. I started from the first episode of the first season, and i'm well into the second season now. its captivating. i just can't stop. i can't tear myself away from the others, the island, the smoke monster, jack, charlie, and the numbers. i need more lost. i need to inject in intravenously. pressing the "stream in HD" button is the closest i have come to the feeling a heroin addict has second he shoots up and the drug enters his bloodstream. or hers.

that's a bit dramatic.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Question Guy

You know him.
Question Guy.
In miraculous situations, a class will be devoid of question guy.
Econ 207 is not one of the said situations.
I just have a few things to say to QG.

Dear Question Guy,

Questions are good things to have.
You seem to have an abundance of them.
However, your questions are ridiculous.
Please utilize office hours to have some of your inane, tangent-inducing questions answered.
I do not recall paying hundreds of dollars to hear you speak about your economic theories and beliefs.
No, I do not remember signing up for your class.
If you could please stop interrupting after every slide, that would be awesome.
The guy next to me who shares my sighs when you begin to speak would appreciate it as well.

Hey, thanks.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Bobbing Knees

Tuesdays bring the promise of something more.

Today -

I was thinking about the relationship that I have with certain people in my life.
I have known some people my entire life, and feel like I have no real connection with them.
Mindless chatter when we happen to pass.
And then, there are others that I have known for mere days.
And the extent of our relationship is the thing that we say to each other every time that we see each other.
But somehow, that relationship seems deeper to me than the empty one that I have had for years and years.
Because I know what our small little relationship is based on.
And its more important than anything I could have cultivated in a decade long friendship.
At least, to me.


Its strange how priorities change over time.
And they do.
Drastically in some senses, not much in others.
But as sure as the color of the leaves in the fall, priorities change.

You know, its true what 'they' say. Music really has the power to bring you back to specific moments in one's life. There are a few artists for me where this holds so true. Everytime I hear a Sister Hazel song, I am immediately reminded of the 2005-2006 boys basketball team. I can feel the excitement in the Tacoma Dome, I can smell that unique gym smell, I can hear the tennis shoes squeaking all along the court. I can hear the swish of the basketball through the all-important net. I can see the swooping figure of Spencer Hawes ruining our dreams. I can see the dunk he executed as he looked at our side of the stands and grinned at our crushing defeat. When I hear matchbox twenty, I think of such a different time in my life. Middle School. High School. Loving Rob Thomas. Living my life through the lyrics of YOSLY, MS, and MTYTYA. Smiling anytime I saw a "Push" sign on a door. Spending hours on the matchbox discussion boards waiting for any news on a tour. Getting mad at my dad for making fun of Rob's hair. Staying up late to tape matchbox on Leno, Letterman, and Conan. Waiting for Rob to sing on Ellen and Oprah. Waiting outside the Paramount Theater, hoping for a glimpse of Rob on his solo tour. Completely freezing up when it was much more than a glimpse and he began talking to me. Trying to retain any remnants of composure during that conversation. Trying not to hyperventalate after he left and entered the theater. Thinking that I would never, ever, love anything more than I loved matchbox's music and it's members. Feeling like a horrible fan when Amy told me that I didn't love them as much as I used to. Realizing that it's okay not to be as in love as I was. Realizing that I will always and forever have a place for them. Smiling and thinking about that time in my life whenever I hear matchbox on the radio.


"Everyone here is wondering what its like to be with somebody else Everyone here is to blame Everyone here gets caught up in the pleasure of the pain
Well everyone here has shades of shame Well looking inside we're all the same, we're the same
And we're all grown now. Yeah, but we don't know how To get it back to good"

Monday, April 6, 2009


First blog.
How many will see this?
Not many, if any, I would venture to guess.

The last few days have been the first few days of sunshine.
The type of weather that lures people from their rooms, tempts them to throw frisbees, forces them out into parks, grass, benches, anywhere that isn't the dull confines of 4 walls.
Not me. I cringe when the bright, blinding, hot sun comes out. My own personal enemy. I do not like hot weather. People raise eyebrows, and make assumptions about my state of mental health when I tell them that I would much rather be in 50 degree weather all year around.
"Are you depressed?"
No. I just like the cold better than heat.
"Depressed people don't like sun"
Interesting. Thank you.

To most people, Facebook seems like the appropriate way to declare their love for the recent meterological conditions.
"________ (Name) just enjoyed the last few days in the sun"
"Lovin' the sunshine!"
"Going to the park instead of doing homework"
"Trying to get a tan in the beautiful sunshine"

And it was only 68 degrees today.
I have 5 more months of heat to endure.
Then I get my 7 months of happiness.

"Are you depressed?"