Wednesday, May 20, 2009


i want to sit on a grungy london rooftop and look down at the city lights. i want there to be someone next to me playing guitar; playing like they play every night as they watch the city, the people, and the lights from above. but up on the rooftop, the noises are muted. an occasional laugh from the street is heard. this whole mental portrait is colorless. black and white. but not emotionless. this is what i want. it's what i've always wanted. london rooftops with blankets and a guitar. staring into the abyss that is the looming monster of the city - but we are so far removed from it's gilded appeal. it's what makes me believe that "you can't miss what you never had" is a false statement.


Sunday, May 17, 2009


i am sitting here in the VU like i do most days. sitting on the fifth floor, by the elevators, the table nearest the glass case where all the posters are. im staring out the window, across the street, over the houses, into the bay, and into the soul of bellingham. the sailboats are gliding across the open water, leaving ripple marks and white foam in their wake. the lovers are laying on blankets on any open green patch they can find. the girls are wearing huge glasses and short shorts. guys are on their roofs, not feeling it necessary to don shirts. pet owners have dusted off the leashes and are taking their dogs for a walk. i suppose these are the days that make people grateful to live in such a beautiful place. the days where nature can be taken advantage of in a way that lift spirits and apparently hormonal balances. the days that make people angry that they put off their papers, studying, etc. and are now forced into a room looking out into a weather condition that they can not take part in.
i see the sun, the glasses, the short shorts, the abundance of yet-to-be-tanned skin, the frolicking, the laying on blankets, and i can't wait for the night to show its face, the temperature to cool, and then sun to set. i do not cherish being indoors during such days, i just wish such days would cease to exist, so that i could be outdoors in the weather that i prefer: rain, clouds, and a moderate 55 degree temperature.
today is not that day.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


soooo....i am continuning down the road of cinematic excellence in my LOST endeavor. currently on episode 11 of season 3. thats something like 50 episodes in less than 2 weeks. it's just so good. i can't imagine waiting a whole week in between each episode to figure out what happens next. i salute those of you who have been watching since the beginning and have to live your life in such a manner. truly respectable.

in other news... I attended the Shins concert last night. it rained. it poured. it was awesome. delta spirit was amazing, too. i hadn't heard anything of theirs before the show, but i really, really liked them. guys infront of us smoking pot, guys behind us smoking pot. everyone smoking pot. that kinda sucked. my clothes smell like pot now. but i will wash them, and everything will be good again. shins didn't play 'so says i', which was the first shins song that i ever heard. i was a little upset by that. but i'm glad that they even played at all in the conditions they were forced into by our lovely weather.

in other, other news.... i'm reading "the brothers karamazov" by dostoevsky. it's really good so far. after i finish this book, i will be 1 book closer to finishing my "100 Greatest Books of All Time" list. I will finish it, i hope. 11 down, 89 to go.

that's it.